I'm with you Lili, I'm anxious.
We only have 30 more days of this luxurious structure. 30 more days of rules, plans, planned cheating, sets, instructions, grams, scales, expert coaching, video chatting about our aches and whether Stevia is ok, whether a sweet potato is a carb or a vegetable, whether the avocado counts as a fruit or a veggie (and by the way, what does that mean for the coconut?) whether we're going to simply sniff the truffle or eat the truffle, and bloggin' it all out! All this round the clock attention and support from Patrick and each other (in lieu of salt, sugar, and oil) have really spoiled the hell out of me. So what's going to happen on Day 90, when the ripped lady sings??

I know, I know. Live in the now. Calm the monkey/mind down. I will, in five minutes. Now I'm going to let it run wild a bit, like a puppy on a leash.
I can say with confidence that on Day 91 I'm not going to bounce out of bed, toss the rope in the trash and inhale a kilo of chalupas from Taco Bell; it's really days 110 and beyond that concern me. It's a scary world out there, and without ya'll watching (I'm talking to you, oh dreaded Flickr account), will I just revert to my old bad habits: soy products, the treadmill, and self-loathing?
Yes, some of my cravings really are in the grave (a cupcake is now a cupcake, not something to fear), and I actually do love the burn brought on by the tricep dips, and I love the taste of steamed asparagus over brown rice, but...is this love or just infatuation? Will the honeymoon period, made yummier by all this reinforcement from strangers and the understanding that PCP is only temporary (a weekend getaway, a vacation fling), blossom into a full-blown marriage? Am I a Diet Player for Life, or do I have what it takes to be peaky on my own?
You've given me roots now grant me wings!
Isn't it amazing how it all seems different as you approach the last 30 days? I know I had the same thoughts towards the end. The amazing thing with PCP is that it really isn't a "diet" or "exercise" program as it is a "life" program. You may be surprised how many things will have become part of you as pause at Day 180 and look back to today.
ReplyDeleteKeep on working it!
Geez Louise, your day 59 photo is HAWT!
ReplyDeleteHmm...E has just made me realize that I just hit day 180. Crazy.
Anyway, interesting questions, all. The trick is finding the balance between PCP and real life and nestling into that sweet spot so you can have your brown rice with asparagus and steamed fish AND a piece of cake. Your new instincts will automatically kick in on day 91 and beyond. You'll be fine! Just go with the flow while your body recalibrates.
You'll be fine. 90 days is long enough to cement the habits you need but not so long that you become a fitness zombie. I'm on day 1000 something and I still have those healthy habits intact!
ReplyDelete"When the ripped lady sings". Love that.
ReplyDeleteI'd echo everything you said in this post Shivani. I think a facebook group for PCPers old and new would be a good place to maintain some sort of support in cementing the good habits.
ReplyDeleteI've been printing out the PCP exercises each week & putting them in a binder I keep in my exercise room, anticipating that after Day 90 I'll be able to return to them and keep using them. So even though I try not to put too much time & thought into post-Day-90 stuff, I have had it in the back of my head. (I can't help it! I try to live in the now but the prepare-er and Type-A personality part of me wins out sometimes.)
ReplyDeleteI like Nickety's idea about a Facebook group. I'd be up for that. Or a Ning group. Whatever--just an ongoing PCP oasis I knew would be there for me as I needed support down the road (or as a place to go to celebrate when I finally do my first pull-up or my first kung-fu sit up!).
Good idea to make a FB group. I'm in!