Friday, January 22, 2010

DAY ATE: Can't handle the pollo.

I'll admit, I was highly unprepared for day 8. Still between apartments, I spent the night at my sister's house, where we had our last dinner of popcorn (my weakness, sometimes my dinner of choice), veggie dumplings (with like a quart of soy I will miss you, shoyu), a tofu salad thing that was made in a factory, carrots and hummus. It's what we call a smorgasboard. Usually we pick at it while watching vapid TV television (gonna miss you too SNOOKS! Long live Jersey Shore summer 09!). We shared everything, but...I probably went over my 1/2 limit. Throwing it all away before the race. Sodium heavy self-sabotage.

I woke up bloated, disoriented, and thirsty. Luckily I had my jump rope.

When it comes to protein, I am generally a lentil/tofu/fake meat product kind of girl. I love those Chinese restaurants that serve "mock sesame chicken," i.e. MSG-laden doughnuts dipped in hot and sour sauce. I know those soy items are very processed, but I'm a little unaccustomed to (and straight up scared of) preparing chicken and fish. The smell, the fleshiness, the glistening gooey pinkness. The danger of contamination.

Being Indian, I didn't grow up rubbing down steaks and searing/braising/brining animals. This protein thing is going to be a challenge. My friend, an Italian, is going to help. We'll start with fish. Things you can wrap in foil and stick in the oven. Things that don't involve a cup of soy sauce and some brown sugar (part of my fave teriyaki recipe. You, who can still eat sugar, try it: Aloha Shoyu, agave, ginger, and star anise with green onion for garnish).

GO TEAM 2010!


  1. You and Lilica are funny today with your popcorn! I just left some flavoring suggestions on her post.

    No joking with the salmonella! Wash those hands, girl. Safety first! (I actually DID get food poisoning in week 2, but I was also trying to eat fish and cook fish at the same time.)

  2. I'm with you on the meat thing... I get squicked out by having to deal with raw meat. Seafood isn't so bad, but raw chicken gives me a serious case of the heebie-jeebies. And I'm ultra paranoid about salmonella as well, so I go the extreme when it comes to washing my hands, and even trying to not use the same fork to turn the chicken over in the pan (I know--too extreme... but it makes me feel better).

    I did not know our portions were going to get slashed! Good to know. I'll remember to embrace the fullness now in preparation for slashed portions later!

  3. I suspected that our portions will get slashed... and I'm sure that I'll regret this later - but I'm really looking forward to smaller portions right now ...

  4. I grew up in Hawaii, so I'll always have a special place in my heart for Aloha Shoyu! It was a pleasant surprise to see the picture of the bottle above!

  5. I baked my chicken breasts (bone-in, skin-on) in a big batch (6 at once 425 for 30 minutes) and after they cooled, shredded all the meat in a large container. It reduced some of the oogy-meat-handling-ness of the whole thing -- maybe that could help you? (Plus, 3 days of chicken all at once!)

  6. Thanks, Helen! I'm trying to find recipes that require minimal curries, so I can just dump the birds in a pot with some water, veggies, and spices, and let them do their thing!
